Social Impact Studio Uses Research and Community Engagement to Develop Age Inclusive Design for Tower Park at Hemisfair

November 6, 2024

The Social Impact Studio, with Hemisfair Park Conservancy, embarked on a comprehensive engagement process to develop an age-inclusive design for Tower Park at Hemisfair. Beginning with a brain storming session, Hemisfair Park Conservancy and WestEast aimed to gather ideas reflecting local values from key stakeholders and future users of the park. A key theme was building upon current uses at Yanaguana Garden and Civic Park. Through extensive community engagement efforts, including public outreach sessions, stakeholder focus groups, and an online survey distributed to the San Antonio community, they collected input from various demographics. This included senior citizens, parents, historical preservation advocates, cultural organizations, young professionals, and local government agencies. The inclusive approach ensured the vision for Tower Park resonated with the diverse needs and preferences of the community.

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